Overview of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe Kinship Parenting Program
An overview of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe Kinship Parenting Program that provides support and resources to kin caregivers and their families in Kitsap County, Washington.
An overview of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe Kinship Parenting Program that provides support and resources to kin caregivers and their families in Kitsap County, Washington.
A toolkit to help child welfare agencies identify and connect children in care with their extended family members or other trusted adults.
Kinship expert Dr. Joseph Crumbley explores a framework that outlines the distinctive dynamics of kinship families in this webinar.
Explore the significance of fostering supportive, safe, and opportunity-rich environments to avert the necessity for foster care.
An analysis of state kinship care policies based on a 2022 survey of child welfare administrators across the United States.
Learn about the ways identification, development, and support of kinship placements can strengthen your diligent recruitment efforts and promote positive outcomes for children and youth.
Explore a model for locating birth families for children and youth in need of adoption.
Strategies for family search and engagement aimed at locating relatives and fictive kin for children in out-of-home care.
Tips for child welfare workers to balance the benefits and risks of social media.
Learn about the importance of placing children in foster care with family members or close kin as their first placement.
Learn how new kinship care laws help to better identify and place foster youth with relatives or close family friends.
Learn more about how to better support unlicensed kinship caregivers.
Find terminology, key survey findings, and recommendations for better supporting and removing barriers for kinship caregivers.
This report outlines both the importance of placing children and youth with relatives and the various states’ statutes for doing so.
Learn more about kinship navigator programs and their potential impact on improving outcomes for kinship caregivers.
Hear how MPLD fellow Gilbert Soto identified barriers to kinship placements in New Jersey.
For training managers, a video series and discussion guide for learning to think differently about creating a more supportive environment for kinship caregivers.
For supervisors, a video series and discussion guide for learning to think differently about creating a more supportive environment for kinship caregivers.
Learn about kinship caregivers, their unique experiences, and how you can best support them.
This five-part video training series (and discussion guide) helps child welfare professionals learn to support kinship care providers.