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Misty Flowers

Isanti Dakota
Diligent Recruitment Advisor

Misty Flowers, MA, is a member of the Santee Sioux Nation of Nebraska (Isanti Dakota). However, she also descends from the Tlingit of Alaska, Yankton Sioux, Winnebago, and Ponca Tribes. She is a Diligent Recruitment Advisor at the National Center for Diligent Recruitment. She has 18 years of experience in child welfare and specializes in working with tribes, tribal communities, and Native American/Indigenous families.

Misty worked for her tribe for twelve years as the Dakota Tiwahe Service Unit (DTSU) administrator, the tribe’s social services department, including the ICWA and Child and Family Services, licensing, domestic violence, and other programs. She is a co-author and master trainer for the TIPS-MAPP NA program, Caring For Our Own, and Youth and Families Thrive. Before coming to the National Center for Diligent Recruitment, she served as the Executive Director of the Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition, Inc. (NICWC, Inc.). Misty is also the chairperson of the Nebraska Children’s Commission and her tribe’s Judicial Commission. She has been recognized by President Obama’s Office Champions of Change and as the NICWA Organizational Member of the Year.

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